Gajar is full beta carotene, a life-enhancing substance. Regular consumption of this
re-vitalizer will definitely improve the eyesight. The lemon adds a lot of tang, a lot of vitamin C, and a lot of taste.
re-vitalizer will definitely improve the eyesight. The lemon adds a lot of tang, a lot of vitamin C, and a lot of taste.
5 Carrots large
1 tomato
1 tsp. lemon juice
rock salt, chat masala
To taste salt and pepper
1. Peel the carrots and remove the middle non-edible portion.
2. Cut carrots and tomatoes to pieces.
3. Remove juice in a juicer or blend in a mixer and strain.
4. Add the lemon juice.
5. Add rock salt, salt pepper and chat masala as per your taste.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
No of Serves: 3 Members