500 gm. fish fillet slices
1 cup green chutney
3 tbsp vinegar
2 limes, cut into wedges
1-2 tsp oil for greasing
Salt to taste.
1. Marinate the fish slices in vinegar and salt for 1 hour. Drain and discard the marinade.
2. Pat dry the fish and make a cross-like incision in the center of each fillet to form a pocket.
3. Stuff the pockets with green chutney and then coat the whole slice.
4. Wrap each slice in a greased banana leaf (or foil). Stream the fish parcels for 20 min.
5. Following the general guideline for steaming, till done. Unwrap and serve with lime Wedges.
Prep Time: 40 minutes
No of Serves: 3 Members