Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Egg Recipes - Stuffed Eggs


Hard-boiled eggs: 8
Red onion (minced): 1
Turmeric: 1. Teaspoon
Parsley: 1 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste,
Paprika:2 teaspoons
Mayonnaise: ½ cup
Lemon juice: 3 teaspoons
Add Mustard to taste.

Method of preparation:

1. Slice eggs lengthwise, slipping yolks into a separate bowl.

2. Add onion, turmeric, salt/ pepper, and about half of the paprika to the egg yolks, and then blend with other ingredients, before adding any moisture.

3. This helps avoid those lumps of unmixed yolk, you find sometimes.

4. Add lemon juice and1/4cup mayonnaise.

5. Taste, and accordingly adjust mayonnaise, mustard or lemon.

6. Scoop into egg white halves and top with paprika

7. Chill before serving.


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