Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tea: types and benefits

1. Black tea: Take water in a vessel and boil the water. Add tea leaves to that boiling water and put a lid on the vessel. Wait for a few minutes and black tea is ready. If that tea is taken without adding sugar, it gives 100% benefit to the body, as per the expert’s advice (If lid is not put on the vessel, the nutrients present in the tea leaves get evaporated due to open boiling).Black tea leaves are prepared after 8 methods of processing.
Courtesy: Spiritualcommunity.

Other varieties available are teas made either with honey, Pudeena leaves or lemon. If sugar and milk is added, it gives 50% of benefit only.

Medical benefits of Black Tea:

A. Tea prevents knee joint pains, teething problems, skin diseases and lungs diseases.

B. Tea also prevents breast cancer and cancer of the digestive tract.

2. Green tea: Most people are giving preference to this tea. It is prepared with the tea leaf-sprouts (the tender leaves), taken out from the tea plant before 90 days of their life (i.e. from the date of the first appearance of the leaves on the plant). Take one cup green tea daily and the following benefits will be accrued, as per the international tea council.

Medical benefits of Green Tea:

A. It prevents the cancer of the lungs and stomach.

B. It controls the high blood pressure and the diabetes.

C. It decreases obesity and also fat content in the blood.

3. Flower tea: Now a days, petals of- Rose, jasmine and hibiscus, etc. are mixed with tea leaves and flower tea is prepared.

4. Dancing blouse up: It is another type of tea.

Take a mug of boiled water and add the powder of flower tea to it, flower tea is ready within minutes.

Benefits: It makes mind calm and jolly mood as per the expert’s opinion.

4. Jim sing tea: Roots of one type of tree are taken and after drying the roots, they are made into powder and this is mixed with the tea leaves and small round balls are made with this mixture. Keep these balls in hot water, they get dissolved and form into tea.


-Increases the digestion,
-Removes sleeplessness,
-Increases the cell division in the body and helps the growth of the organs.

Disease - resistance chemicals are more in quantity in tea compared to other food items.

For example each gram contains:

-Garlic contains: 46.
-Onion: 40.
-Cabbage: 32.
-Potato: 15.
-B lack tea: 927.
-Green tea: 814.
-White tea: 600.

N.B: Red wine is not equal to tea in containing various nutrients.

Other nutrients present in the tea are:

-Amino acids, Caffeine (in low quantity), Poly Salinities,
Elements like—Magnesium and manganese,
Vitamins like--B1, B2, B3, C and E- Vitamin.

Some advice: 5 g, -7 cups of black tea (not the tea containing sugar and milk) in a day,, is enough.

Don’t take tea on the empty stomach, in the morning (after rising from the bed stomach).At least take two biscuits and then have your favorite black tea. Within 15 days, you will find wonderful results (changes) in the body.


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