Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Soup Recipe: Cream of soup


1 pkt mushroom (sliced)
1 onion (chopped)
3 glasses of water
2 cloves (crushed)
1 stick cinnamon (crushed)
4 tsp corn flour
1 cup milk
4 tsp butter
Salt and pepper to taste.

For garnishing:

Fresh cream

Method of preparation:

1. Melt butter in a pan, fry onions. Add sliced mushrooms, water and spices tied in a bag.

2. Cook till mushrooms are tender. Remove spices and put the liquid in blender
(Keep a few mushroom slices for garnishing).

3. Mix milk with the soup and put it on the flame. When it starts boiling, add corn flour (mixed in ¾ cup water).

4. Add salt and pepper. Garnish with cream and sliced mushrooms.

Yoghurt salad


2 tomatoes (chopped)
¼ cucumber (chopped)
1 spring onion (chopped)
½ radish (chopped)
1 cup yoghurt a dry red chilly (chopped).

Method of preparation:

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
2. Serve chilled.

Fruits and nuts Salad


½ cup paneer (mashed)
¼ cup mayonnaise
6-7 pieces dates (stone removed)
6 pieces canned peaches
¼ cup cashew nuts (roasted)
¼ bunch lettuces (chopped)
1 tomato (sliced)
2 tsp green chutney
1 tsp tomato chutney.

Method of preparation:

1. Mix paneer, mayonnaise, lettuce and green chutney and make a layer of it in a flat bowl.
2. Now mix dates, tomato chutney, peaches, and cashew nuts and place it over the 1st laver.
3. Garnish with tomato slices. Serve cold.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pickle Recipe: Jack Fruit pickle


1kg jackfruit
1 tbsp salt
2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp rye powder
3/2 tsp red chilly powder
2 tsp methi seeds
1 tbsp aniseeds (crushed)
1 tsp kalong
Mustard oil for frying.

Method of preparation:

1. Peel and cut jackfruit into small pieces.

2. Deep-fry it till it is golden in color.

3. Cool and mix all masalas to jackfruit pieces in a bowl. (Add more oil, if required).

4. Store in a glass jar.

Sweet Recipe: Carrot poli

Carrot recipes are good for health conscious people.


Grated carrot: 4 cups,
Maida: 3 cups,
Sugar: 2 cups,
Ghee: 4 table spoons,
Saffron: 1/2 teaspoon,
Cardamom powder: 1/2 teaspoon,
Salt: a pinch.

Method of preparation:

1. Cook the carrot with two cups of water, till all the water dries up. When cool, grind into a puree in a blender, without adding any water.

2. Add sugar and cook in a pan, till the mixture becomes dry.

3. Add two tablespoons of ghee, the saffron and the cardamom to (2).

4. Cook till the mixture (3), becomes thick.

5. Remove and keep aside it (4) to cool and harden.

6. Mix the maida the remaining two tablespoons of ghee and salt into firm dough.

7. Take a small ball (of 6), and with a greased palm, spread it thinly on a greased plastic sheet.

8. Place ½ teaspoon of filling (carrot-5) in the centre of plastic sheet.

9. Cover with the dough and pat again into a round circle.

10. Shallow fry till golden on both sides with a little ghee. Serve hot.

This amount makes 40 small carrot polis.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sex recipe: Oyster drumstick curry

Drumstick curry is one of the common sex stimulant recipe used by ancients for many years.


1. Oyster – 250 gms
2. Drumstick -2
3. Tomato – 150 gms
4. Coconut -1
5. Coconut oil – 100 ml
6. Cumin – 2 tsp
7. Chilli powder – 2 tsp
8. Coriander Powder – 2 tsp
9. Turmeric powder – a pinch
10. Mustard – ½ tsp
11. Curry leaves – 1 sprig
12. Salt.

Image courtesy:

Method of preparation:

1. Heat oil in a kadai, add mustard seeds and cumin, allow it to splutter.
2. Add curry leaves and tomato puree; Saute well.
3. Add chilli powder, coriander powder and turmeric powder; suate well.
4. Boil oyster and drumstick separately with a pinch of salt and turmeric.
5. Add boiled oyster and drumstick into it.
6. Add coconut and cumin paste.
7. Allow it to boil.

Aphrodisiacs (sex stimulants) in this recipe are oysters, drumstick, chilli powder, coriander powder and mustard.

Source: Sunday Express sex special.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Sex Recipe: Mushroom Betel nut rice curry


1. Mushroom – 1 Pocket
2. Betel nut(raw) - 1 tbsp
3. Green peas – 1 cup
4. Rice 300 gms
5. Onion -2
6. Tomatoes -2
7. Green chillies -2
8. Ginger -30 gms
9. Garlic -20 gms
10. Oil -50 ml
11. Ghee -50 ml
12. Coriander leaves 2 sprigs
13. Fennel 1 tsp
14. Mustard seeds -1/2 tsp
15. Curry leaves -1 sprig
16. Turmeric powder -1 pinch
17. Chilli powder -1 tsp
18. Coriander powder -1tsp
19. Salt.

Method of preparation:

1. Heat oil and ghee in a vessel, then splutter mustard seeds and fennel.
2. Add sliced onions; curry leaves ginger and garlic paste, sauté well.
3. Add sliced tomatoes, green chillies, chilli powder and salt, and sauté well.
4. Add raw betel nut, mushroom and green peas, cook well.
5. Add water and allow it to boil.
6. Add soaked rice, and coriander leaves and allow it to cook.

The aphrodisiacs (Sex stimulants) in this curry: mushroom, betel nut, onion, green chillies, ginger, garlic, mustard seeds, chilli powder, and coriander powder.

New generation couples should learn to use these stimulants in their regular diet to enhance sex life.
Source: Sunday special (Indian Express).

Monday, November 5, 2007

Recipe for sex: Onion Payasam

Onion Payasam stimulates ones mood for greater sex. In this recipe, onion, cardamom, asafoetida and vanilla powder are aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are foods that are consumed to increase sexual desire (Libido). Ancient people used diet with aphrosiacs to have great sex life than modern people.


1. Onions - 2
2. Sugar- 100 gm
3. Coconut – 1
4. Cardamom seed – 4
5. Asafoetida – a small pinch.
6. Vanilla powder – a pinch.

Method of preparation:

1. Boil chopped onion with 2 tbsp of sugar and cool it.
2. Do not strain the extra water.
3. Grate coconut and extract thick milk.
4. Mix coconut milk, sugar, milkmaid, honey, cardamom, asafoetida and vanilla powder.
5. Add boiled onion into it and mix well.
6. Serve it to your better half to have good sex.

Have a nice dinner and enjoy great night life.

Courtesy: Indian Express sex special and Chef Jacob Sahaya kumar.

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